
Kofpur is a young, mutant pink rabbit who lives with [[Frame]] and [[Wikee]].

Appearance and Personality

Kofpur is a white and pink giant lop rabbit, 100 centimeters tall with long ears and stubby toes. She also wears a pink neckerchief gifted to her by Frame. She's as strong as a human despite being smaller. She's optimistic, curious, outgoing, attention-seeking, playful and sometimes rebellious. She loves spending time with the brothers and even breaks the "no following us to school" rule.


Kofpur notices the two brothers going home while she's playing in the snow and decides to follow them. The two brothers like her and decide to take her with them. At first the brothers have to hide her from their parents, who don't want any pets, but eventually the brothers reveal her and their parents let her in. Kofpur loves to hang out with the brothers and go to adventures with them, she likes the dynamic they create.