Kofpur used to live in a cave located in the lumpy forests. Filled with trees and bushes in all shapes and colors. Kofpur also liked to visit the town and check on her friends, one of those being Kedy.
The critters living in town helped each other and they never let Kofpur leave without giving her food to take with her home. But the colorful days didn't last long.
After witnessing her bat friend Zira get kidnapped by people she couldn't recognize, Kofpur didn't feel comfortable staying in the forest. She decided to stay in the town to keep contact with her other friends in case of an emergency.
As the two brothers were walking their way back home, Kofpur saw them and followed from behind. Wikee noticed her and convinced Frame to take her home, which she happily agreed to.
At first, the brothers had to hide Kofpur from their parents, who didn't want to take responsibility for a critter. But they eventually found out and let her stay. Kofpur now hangs out with the brothers and goes to adventures with them.
Despite not finding any clues after months of search, Kofpur still searches for her bat friend when she can.
Continue reading: Welcome to Paracosm!